Building Resilience, Equity, Agroecology and Dignity




B.R.E.A.D. team profiles

Lara Baranzini

Lara Baranzini after 12 years with the Chambre d'Economie Sociale et Solidaire, as aant development and promotion of the social economy, project manager for the 2015 statistical survey of SSE organizations and companies and "SSE Criteria" project manager: development and validation of criteria in a participative context, design of a criteria verification tool, monitoring of implementation. Lara joined ASRO as coordinator and spokesperson.

Gaëlle Bigler

Gaëlle Bigler

Project coordinator / reporter

Gaëlle Bigler s'Gaëlle Bigler is interested in consensus-building in complex processes, and in sustainable agriculture that pays producers a fair wage while being accessible to as many people as possible. She has extensive experience in project management, scientific mediation and action research on the theme of sustainable food systems.

Gérald Progin

Gérald Progin Gérald Progin: retired. Active volunteer for many years in the field of fair trade and, more broadly, North-South relations, both with Magasins du Monde and the Fédération vaudoise de coopération (Fedevaco). At the Association romande des Magasins du Monde, he is a member of the coordinating committee, and at thea Fedevaco, co-chairman of the information committee.

Sophie de Rivaz

Sophie de Rivaz : political scientist specializing in alternative economy and sustainable development.She has worked for the charity Action de Carême for seven years. She is responsible for "fair trade, sustainability and transition" and represents the organization on the committee of Swiss Fair Trade, the umbrella organization for fair trade in Switzerland.

Lilian Schibli

Lilian Schibli : stagiaire and Master's student in socio-economics, she is in charge of contacting groups to be included in the local fair trade project, as well as drawing up criteria for a possible charte / declaration.

Alberto Silva

Alberto Silva is in charge of agricultural value chains, office coordination, the Interparliamentary Food Sovereignty Group and campaigns for Uniterre.

Lionel Kouchou

Lionel Kouchou

ionel Kouchoua management consultant with people at the heart of his actions, he is passionate and determined to see a strong Africa in which opportunities are seized and people deploy their full potential.

Committee member and Project Manager at ZION KICK-UP STARTUPS, Lionel pilots and coordinates the Salon International de l'Entrepreneuriat Africain whose 2nd edition took place from November 14 to 18, 2022 in Lausanne. Lionel KOUCHOU is also Founder and Coordinator of theMAHANAÏM Association (ASMAH) which initiates and supports sustainable development projects in Central Africa.

Cédric Bourquin

Cédric Bourquin

Cédric Bourquin, a consultant specializing in sales and business strategies, and an expert in the social economy, he supports companies and projects with a strong social and environmental impact. A multi-entrepreneur, he has worked in the tourism, retail, food and consulting sectors.

His expertise in alternative economy enables him to quickly identify the feasibility of a project and the actions needed to achieve its objectives.

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