has extensive experience in project management, scientific mediation and research on the theme of sustainable food systems. Her skills include: organizing and leading seminars, working groups, conferences, workshops and information stands; taking part in expert workshops on the themes of social economy, sustainable development, food and sustainable agriculture; participating in international research on these subjects; facilitating networks; conducting research interviews and transcribing them; taking part in press conferences and radio broadcasts; writing newsletters and updating websites. She is a member of the Urban Agriculture Working Group of the Swiss Academic Society for Environmental and Ecological Research (SAGUF). She is president and coordinator of the Fédération Romande d'Agriculture Contractuelle de Proximité (FRACP) and of the Agroécologie Suisse Romande network. She is a member of the Artisans de la Transition steering committee.

A management consultant with people at the heart of his actions, Lionel is passionate and determined to see a strong Africa in which opportunities are seized and people fully deploy their potential. Aware of the role that Africans abroad (diaspora) have to play to achieve this, Lionel has been resolutely committed since 2017 to contributing through entrepreneurship in particular to encouraging and supporting ideas and projects led by individuals, entrepreneurs, associations, administrations and governments. Committee member and Project Manager at ZION KICK-UP STARTUPS, Lionel pilots and coordinates the Salon International de l'Entrepreneuriat Africain, the 2nd edition of which took place from November 14 to 18, 2022 from Lausanne. Lionel KOUCHOU is also Founder and Coordinator of theMAHANAÏM Association (ASMAH), which initiates and supports sustainable development projects in Central Africa.